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Asset Management

Aging infrastructure is a significant concern for maintaining stormwater systems. All too often, asset failures or emergencies arise due to uncertainty about the location and condition of infrastructure assets and a lack of comprehensive planning. Asset management programs (AMPs) can help reduce unexpected, expensive, and reactive repairs and increase overall system performance and reliability. An AMP is a scalable strategy that is suitable for both large and small communities. For small communities, an AMP can serve as the basis for developing revenue and financing strategies to ensure long-term stormwater infrastructure sustainability. For large communities, an AMP can become the foundational element for prioritizing capitol improvement projects and optimizing financial resources.

Deciding whether to implement an AMP

No asset lasts forever; instead, assets decrease in functionality, effectiveness, and reliability over time. With regular maintenance, assets can continue to function as designed for their intended lifetimes. AMPs provide a structured approach to optimizing the life cycle cost of asset ownership while meeting regulatory and service objectives. Life cycle costing not only considers the initial capital cost of the asset, but also identifies and documents all costs over the lifetime of the asset.

Proven benefits of an AMP include:

  • Reducing and stabilizing long-term costs. AMPs can help systems perform at their desired service levels and help operators make expenditures (from focused repairs to general replacements) only at the most economically beneficial points in their assets’ service lives.
  • Ensuring financial transparency. AMPs help ratepayers understand major capital expenditures and rate increases while providing decision-makers with accurate cash flow forecasts.
  • Providing a framework for prioritizing a municipal stormwater program’s critical projects and meeting its targeted level of service. A framework can forecast as much as 100 years of maintenance, refurbishment, and appropriate funding in advance of an asset’s failure (see Resources).
  • Giving municipal stormwater programs the data they need to project future failures. AMPs reduce the potential for catastrophic failures that often lead to environmental degradation and regulatory non-compliance.

Common AMP Benefits

While benefits will vary by municipality, potential benefits of AMPs include the following:

  • Reduce overall costs for both operations and capital expenditures.
  • Establish adequate user rates and stabilize future rate increases based on sound operational and financial planning while also providing transparency to customers and stakeholders.
  • Prolong asset life cycles and enhance long-term asset performance.
  • Provide confidence in capital planning regarding rehabilitation, repair, and replacement decisions.
  • Reduce life cycle costs through better-focused resource use.
  • Enhance the return on investment for capital spending and increase the efficiency of resource allocation.
  • Enable programs to meet defined level-of-service goals and customer expectations with a focus on system sustainability.
  • Enhance community desirability, ultimately growing the tax base.
  • Improve budgeting with a focus on asset maintenance/replacement critical to sustained system performance.
  • Reduce environmental impacts and enable programs to meet regulatory requirements.
  • Improve emergency response.
  • Improve asset security and safety.
  • Improve integration with flood control and water quality programs.

Understanding the process for implementing an AMP

There are several steps to implementing an AMP:

  1. Identify the overall AMP scope:
    • Identify the types of assets that comprise the system.
    • Consider the relationship of each asset type to the system’s overall performance.
    • Prioritize assets based on the system functionality and the desired level of service.
    • Consider both hard assets and other types of assets (e.g., natural and soft) that enhance overall system performance.
  2. Establish the desired level of service:
    • Establish a reasonable level of service that also accounts for NPDES permit compliance needs.
    • Determine what assets needed to provide this level of service.
    • Develop and routinely evaluate performance measures to track whether you are meeting your level-of-service objectives.
  3. Choose asset management software:
    • Determine whether the AMP warrants unique asset management software.
    • Choose or develop a software product that can help you catalogue and score assets and that can ensure the system’s functionality, as well as help meet your level-of-service and regulatory objectives.
  4. Catalog assets:
    • Invest time up front in cataloging assets to help understand the components of your systems.
    • Establish a standard for defining, identifying, and storing asset data to keep those data consistent and correctly labeled.
  5. Score assets:
    • Recognize the appropriate metrics, standardize a methodology, and choose a perspective to create a consistent system.
    • Evaluate the condition, remaining useful life, probability of failure, and consequence of failure (or criticality) of each asset to determine its overall score.
  6. Continue AMP development:
    • Establish internal evaluation and benchmarking standards using a set of predetermined criteria.

Selecting AMP software and tools

Due to the vast amount of information needed to implement an AMP, you must have an effective tool (or tools) to store asset catalogs, asset condition scores, and maintenance schedules, as well as to identify assets most in need of attention. Before choosing among the multiple AMP software products available, talk with other departments to determine if they are using existing asset management software for transportation, wastewater, or other assets that could fulfill your needs.

Some municipal stormwater programs have purchased off-the-shelf asset management software (refer to New Mexico Environmental Finance Center [2006] under Resources), but it can be expensive and may not be necessary for smaller programs that do not operate large, complex systems. Other programs have created in-house databases, which may take significant time but can connect all relevant data across different information systems and establish a robust, program-specific ranking system to identify the most critical projects. While off-the-shelf and in-house asset management software may provide similar capabilities, it is important to understand how the software will be incorporated into daily operations and what features add the most value.

To choose the best product, draw on a combination of information sources, such as your list of critical assets (including asset score and rank, if already available), evaluations of work order histories and cleaning histories, and institutional knowledge. Also, consider ease of use by your staff and ease of incorporation into existing AMP tools and practices.

Case Study: South Lake Tahoe, California

The city of South Lake Tahoe used a request for proposals process to choose an AMP software product. Two proposals were deemed to best fit the city’s needs, and the consultants were invited to give a live demonstration. The city chose one option and implemented the software, which has many benefits—including its budgeting and cost tracking ability. But implementation of the software has also involved some challenges. These include resistance of staff to institutional change, training of maintenance staff unfamiliar with the technology, a data collection effort that was more expensive and time-consuming than anticipated, and difficulty locating assets that the initial data collection effort did not identify.

Case Study: Folsom, California

The city of Folsom uses GIS software to display certain collection system asset information, such as pipe locations, materials, and sizes; manhole rim elevations and depths; and locations of pump stations, force mains, and sewer laterals. These data were incorporated with the city’s computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) to avoid duplicate and conflicting databases. The city uses the GIS software to store static asset information, such as size, material, length, and slope, whereas the CMMS stores dynamic operation and maintenance information.

Cataloguing assets

An asset catalog (also known as an asset register) is a database used to document and maintain specific information about a municipal stormwater program’s assets. Key variables to capture in such a catalog include each asset’s location, age, vendor-specified useful life, and recommended maintenance schedule.

While conventional AMPs typically include only hard assets, such as storm drain system pipes, catch basins, and pump stations, consider including other asset types, such as soft assets (i.e., human-based resources) and natural assets (i.e., program-managed, naturally occurring resources). Also consider taking a staged approach to identifying the types of assets that make up the system. Consider the relationship of each type of asset to the system’s overall performance, and prioritize assets based on the system functionality and desired level of service. Initially focusing on the largest and most critical assets, followed by gradual inclusion of less critical facilities, can help prevent you from becoming overwhelmed.

Case Study: San Diego, California

In developing an AMP for its stormwater system, the city of San Diego included hard assets with more than $5,000 in replacement costs, as well as natural assets (such as receiving waters, discharges, and land) and soft assets (such as public opinion, policies, and relationships). To comply with its NPDES MS4 permit, the city acknowledged in its Watershed Asset Management Plan that it must manage soft assets, including public behavior and relationships, regulatory relationships, monitoring equipment, ordinances and land development standards, the quality of water running into and out of its storm drain system, and the quality of water in the receiving water bodies. Although natural and soft assets cannot be replaced, the city included them in its Watershed Asset Management Plan to account for the funding needed to manage these assets at the level of service required by NPDES regulations and desired by customers.

Defining levels of surface and measuring AMP effectiveness

Establishing and defining a desired level of service for the stormwater system to provide to its customers is critical to developing and gauging the success of an AMP. Generally, higher levels of service require more resources and a larger commitment from municipal stormwater programs.

EPA’s “Asset Management for Sewer Collection Systems” fact sheet states that the basic level of service definition for most stormwater and wastewater programs will be to deliver reliable storm/sanitary sewer collection and treatment services at the lowest sustainable cost, consistent with applicable environmental and health regulations. The fact sheet also specifies that level-of-service criteria should be system-specific.

The quality, quantity, and reliability of service delivery, along with environmental standards, are elements that can define level of service and associated system performance goals—both short- and long-term. The targeted level of service, and the operations and assets responsible for providing that service, can guide you in identifying which assets to catalog and to what depth, as well as what metrics you can use to assess how well you are reaching the targeted level of service.

Many stormwater programs may have already established desired levels of service for some assets, but you should synchronize your goals with the proactive perspective of an AMP and integrate them with evolving regulatory requirements, such as NPDES permits.

Performance metrics are specific measurements designed to assess whether you are meeting level-of-service objectives. Performance metrics can vary, but commonly include the following:

  • Annual performance goals for system inspection, cleaning, maintenance, rehabilitation, and capital improvement.
  • Maximum response time for emergency calls.
  • Customer complaints and claims for private property restoration.

Systems can also quantify the extent to which their AMP has helped them mitigate expensive reactive maintenance and replacement.

Case Study: Grand Rapids, Michigan

The city of Grand Rapids went through a process of identifying a level of service that supported the following goals: 1) ensuring healthy natural resources (e.g., river, streams, lakes), 2) improving recreational opportunities, 3) strengthening the economy, and 4) making the city a more desirable place to live. The city proposed four levels of service (A–D, with A representing the highest level), each of which included various subtasks and metrics to achieve the overall level-of-service goal:

  • Level A: Funding increases, comprehensive system inspection, and preventative/corrective maintenance activities. A system renewal rate of 100 years.
  • Level B: Inspection and preventative/corrective maintenance activities with a more direct basis for tracking these activities. A system renewal rate of 125 years.
  • Level C: Inspection and preventative/corrective maintenance activities to identify critical infrastructure and high-priority areas. A system renewal rate of 150 years.
  • Level D: Existing level of service, with minimum inspection and preventative/corrective maintenance activities (i.e., corrective maintenance only for the most critically failed portions of the system).

The city calculated a cost of achieving each level of service, accounting for asset replacement at the end of each asset’s estimated effective life, street sweeping, maintenance, studies and planning projects, and NPDES regulatory and development compliance. The city ultimately chose to work toward level C. This decision assumes that the city can double the effective life of infrastructure through rehabilitation and replacement. It includes capital investment for green infrastructure practices.

Addressing challenges and barriers to AMP development

Despite the demonstrated benefits of AMP implementation, the challenges and barriers that can come with developing a new AMP—or integrating existing asset management tools into a formal, centralized AMP—can seem overwhelming at the beginning of the process. Some of the most common challenges—and strategies to overcome them—include:

  • Identifying and cataloging assets. This is often an immense job, especially for stormwater programs that are generally unaware of their assets and the characteristics of those assets. Essential staff in various capacities (management, operations, maintenance, information technology, consultants) must collaborate closely to ensure that the appropriate assets are identified and characterized in a manner that will allow a well-functioning AMP to meet your desired level of service.
  • Obtaining buy-in and support from key stakeholders and decision-makers (e.g., operations and maintenance staff, engineers, information technology department managers, finance staff, customers, department directors, city council, board of directors) at the onset of AMP development and at each critical step along the journey. You can overcome this challenge by showing the cost savings of an AMP over the long term.
  • The perception that decades of deferred maintenance or neglect need to be rapidly addressed. You can overcome this concern by showing that the AMP can help your community develop an economical cash flow plan for infrastructure replacement.
  • Reluctance to catalog assets due to the potential liability risks of discovering failing assets that could cause property damage prior to their repair or replacement. You can mitigate these liability risks by developing a comprehensive plan for addressing those assets, with management and public support, and by consulting early and often with your legal team.
  • Perceived costs and staff effort associated with the AMP planning, software, startup, and ongoing operation. You can demonstrate that an AMP is a long-term investment that will have a high return on investment over the life of the assets.
  • Perceived difficulties, and even redundancy, of creating and maintaining yet another activity tracking and/or work order system. You can mitigate these concerns by integrating as many existing activity tracking and work order systems into your AMP.
  • Difficulty in effectively communicating the benefits of an AMP to management personnel and stakeholders. You can overcome this by developing and sharing a list of projected AMP benefits.
  • Difficulty incorporating the AMP into existing data management systems. You can mitigate this by performing a functional assessment of your existing systems to determine its usefulness in an envisioned AMP. You can then determine if the existing system can be modified and used or if a new system is required.
  • Finding consensus among key stakeholders regarding the appropriate level of service. You can overcome this by obtaining buy-in early in the AMP development process.

A Tool for Tracking Asset Attributes

Identifying relevant assets—as well as the appropriate level of detail to track—can be difficult. For example, a municipal stormwater program might struggle to determine the relevance of different types of assets to overall system performance, the value of privately owned assets that contribute to the system, or even the importance of assets in different geographic areas of the system (i.e., downstream assets versus assets near the boundaries of the system).

Using a comprehensive tool to track the various attributes of assets (e.g., location, age, maintenance schedule, condition) can help stormwater programs and municipalities more fully understand their complex systems. One valuable tool to help you understand your current asset management proficiency assets is the Asset Management IQ Test developed by the Southwest Environmental Finance Center and sponsored by the Kansas Department of Public Health and the Environment. This tool uses a score-based approach to help you explore your current level of need on a number of asset management criteria. The questionnaire’s 30 questions are divided into six areas. You can retake the test periodically to assess your progress in each of these areas and determine where you should apply resources.


Article DescriptionCategoriescategories_hfilter

Toolkit to Support Financial Planning for Municipal Stormwater Programs

Author: Environmental Finance Center at Sacramento State | Developed/Updated on Date: Not dated

Web Link: http://www.efc.csus.edu/

The Environmental Finance Center (EFC) developed a free toolkit to support asset management and funding for municipal stormwater programs. The toolkit includes a guidance report and worksheets that help record data on system assets, from pipes to gutters to green infrastructure. The toolkit helps prioritize maintenance needs and estimate long-term costs. It also includes spreadsheets for evaluating various stormwater fee options, including a consumer ability-to-pay analysis, and resulting revenues.

Funding: Program Costs, Operations: Asset Managementprogram-costs asset-management

Stormwater Master Plan

Author: City of Grand Rapids, MI | Developed/Updated on Date: January 20, 2014

Web Link: https://www.grandrapidsmi.gov/files/assets/public/departments/environmental-services/files/stormwater/environmental-services-resources/stormwater-misc/stormwater-master-plan-may-2013.pdf

The Stormwater Master Plan (SWMP) has many purposes but is primarily intended to establish standards with respect to the use and operation of the City of Grand Rapids’ stormwater system; to mitigate flooding; to reduce pollution and sedimentation of the system, adjacent properties, and the environment; and to improve the water quality of our rivers, lakes, and streams. Specifically, the objectives of the SWMP are to:
1. Protect human life, health, and safety through stormwater management.
2. Effectively utilize public funds for flood and stormwater pollution control projects.
3. Minimize the need for rescue and relief efforts associated with flooding.
4. Reduce the level of pollutants discharged by the Grand Rapids Stormwater System.
5. Provide for the wise use and development of flood-prone areas so as to maximize beneficial use without increasing flood hazard potential and/or degrading water quality.
6. Ensure a functional drainage system that will not result in excessive maintenance costs.
7. Encourage the use of best management practices to improve water quality.
8. Encourage the reduction of existing flooding problems in conjunction with new development.
9. Protect public and private property from the accumulation of mud, dirt, water, debris, and other materials.
10. Comply with federal and state laws regarding stormwater discharges, floodplain management, and erosion and sediment control.

Funding: Establishing a Plan, Good Housekeeping in Municipal Operations, Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination, Management of Construction Site Runoff, Management of Post-Construction Site Runoff, Operations: Asset Management, Program Goals and Management: Long-Term Planning, Public Education and Outreach, Public Participationestablishing-a-plan good-housekeeping-in-municipal-operations illicit-discharge-detection-and-elimination management-of-construction-site-runoff management-of-post-construction-site-runoff asset-management long-term-planning public-education-and-outreach public-participation

Southwest Environmental Finance Center – Asset Management Website

Author: Southwest Environmental Finance Center (University of New Mexico) | Developed/Updated on Date: Not dated

Web Link: http://southwestefc.unm.edu/asset-management/

The Southwest Environmental Finance Center (SW EFC) assists state, local, and tribal governments and the regulated private sector in meeting environmental infrastructure needs and achieving regulatory compliance through state and local capacity-building and technical information transfer. The SW EFC’s Asset Management website is a gateway to various resources, including guides to understanding the basics of asset management and tools for implementation.

Operations: Asset Managementasset-management

Long-Term Performance and Life-Cycle Costs of Stormwater Best Management Practices

Author: Transportation Research Board | Developed/Updated on Date: March 23, 2016

Web Link: http://www.trb.org/Publications/Blurbs/171471.aspx

The Transportation Research Board of the National Academies developed a spreadsheet-based long-term performance and life-cycle best management practice cost tool that is easy to use and facilitates ‘what-if’ comparisons between best management practice scenarios.

Funding: Program Costs, Management of Post-Construction Site Runoff, Operations: Asset Management, Program Goals and Management: Long-Term Planningprogram-costs management-of-post-construction-site-runoff asset-management long-term-planning

EPA’s Sustainable Water Infrastructure Website – Asset Management Workshops Training Slides

Author: U.S. EPA | Developed/Updated on Date: March 22, 2017

Web Link: https://www.epa.gov/sustainable-water-infrastructure/asset-management-workshops-training-slides

This EPA website provides access to various asset management training presentations from a fundamentals of asset management workshop:
• America’s Pathway To Sustainable Water and Wastewater Services
• 0—Executive Overview
• 1—Develop Asset Registry
• 2—Assess Condition, Failure Modes
• 3—Determine Residual Life
• 4—Determine Life Cycle & Replacement Costs
• 5—Set Target Level of Service
• 6—Determine Business Risk (“Criticality”)
• 6.5—Develop Asset Registry
• 7—Optimize (O&M) Investment
• 8—Optimize Capital Investment
• 9—Determine Funding Strategy
• 10—Build Asset Management Plan

Operations: Asset Managementasset-management

Community-enabled Lifecycle Analysis of Stormwater Infrastructure Costs (CLASIC)

Author: Water Environment & Reuse Foundation | Developed/Updated on Date: Under development

Web Link: https://cfpub.epa.gov/ncer_abstracts/index.cfm/fuseaction/display.abstractDetail/abstract/10616/report/0

The Water Environment & Reuse Foundation (WE&RF) is developing a lifecycle cost tool for communities that takes into account the costs associated with planning, designing, acquiring, constructing, operating, maintaining, renewing, and replacing stormwater infrastructure. The results are expected to increase confidence in comparing benefits and costs of stormwater infrastructure alternatives using tools based on cost, design, and performance data sets and a peer-reviewed model. It will be a publicly accessible tool and database and a guide for decision-makers that includes case studies.

Funding: Program Costs, Operations: Asset Management, Operations: Green Infrastructureprogram-costs asset-management green-infrastructure

Case Study: City of San Diego Watershed Asset Management Planning

Author: U.S. EPA | Developed/Updated on Date: Not dated

Web Link: https://www3.epa.gov/region9/water/npdes/asset-mgmnt/pdf/npdes-asset-mgmnt-case-study-san-diego-wamp.pdf

To anticipate and justify current and projected costs of complying with federal, state, and local stormwater regulations, San Diego has developed an integrated Watershed Asset Management Plan (“WAMP”) for its stormwater management system. The first element of the WAMP is to assess the current inventory, costs, and condition of the system. After assessing the current state of City-managed assets, the WAMP goes on to quantify a long-range forecast of funding necessary to maintain a baseline level of service. Lastly, the plan articulates various potential funding sources and scenarios for achieving their targeted level of service.

Operations: Asset Managementasset-management

AWWA Asset Management Definitions Guidebook

Author: American Water Works Association | Developed/Updated on Date: January 2018

Web Link: https://www.awwa.org/Portals/0/AWWA/ETS/Resources/AMGuidebook.pdf?ver=2018-12-13-100101-887

This guidebook defines terms commonly used in water utility asset management practice. It was developed by AWWA’s Asset Management Committee to help improve learning, consistency, and communication in the water industry. The Committee plans to revise this guidance periodically to ensure the guidebook remains current as the industry matures.

Operations: Asset Managementasset-management

Asset Management: A Best Practices Guide

Author: U.S. EPA | Developed/Updated on Date: April 2008

Web Link: https://nepis.epa.gov/Exe/ZyPDF.cgi/P1000LP0.PDF?Dockey=P1000LP0.PDF

This four-page guide provides a high-level overview of basic asset management concepts to help the reader understand the following:

  • What asset management means
  • The benefits of asset management
  • Best practices in asset management
  • How to implement an AMP
Operations: Asset Managementasset-management

Asset Management Programs for Stormwater and Wastewater Systems: Overcoming Barriers to Development and Implementation

Author: U.S. EPA | Developed/Updated on Date: March 6, 2017

Web Link: https://www3.epa.gov/region9/water/npdes/asset-mgmnt/pdf/Overcoming-Barriers-to-Development-and-Implementation-of-Asset-Management-Plans.pdf

The purpose of this paper is to identify the critical steps and factors to be considered during asset management program (AMP) development and highlight real-world examples of encountered barriers to AMP development. This paper consolidates and summarizes work done by EPA and others to guide and document early experiences in using AMPs for stormwater and wastewater utility management. It provides guidance on the basics of developing and implementing a new AMP. It touches briefly on the experiences of several stormwater and wastewater utilities during the infancy of AMP development, including barriers they encountered. It also cites various AMP development and implementation research literature and case studies, which can provide valuable insight and tools for utilities that are just beginning the AMP planning and development process.

Funding: Program Costs, Operations: Asset Managementprogram-costs asset-management

Asset Management for Stormwater: Making the Most of Your Investment

Author: Environmental Finance Center Network | Developed/Updated on Date: November 2013

Web Link: https://vimeo.com/81717106

During this webinar for Sustainable Communities grantees and their coalition partners, Heather Himmelberger from the Southwest Environmental Finance Center introduced participants to asset management, an approach to maintaining infrastructure in a strategic way so that it is sustained over the long term at the lowest overall lifecycle cost while meeting the needs of the community. Monica Billig and Eric Reed from the University of Maryland Environmental Finance Center shared their experiences working with communities in the Mid-Atlantic to finance cost-effective stormwater programs and highlighted communities that have successfully used the asset management framework to protect their stormwater infrastructure assets.

Operations: Asset Managementasset-management

Water Quality Improvement Plans

Author: City of San Diego, CA | Developed/Updated on Date: 2002–2020

Web Link: https://www.sandiego.gov/stormwater/plansreports

The City of San Diego collaborated with other jurisdictions and stakeholders throughout the San Diego Region to develop Water Quality Improvement Plans (WQIPs) for each watershed within its jurisdiction. The goal of the WQIPs is to protect, preserve, enhance, and restore water quality of receiving water bodies. This goal will be accomplished through an adaptive planning and management process that identifies the highest-priority water quality conditions within a watershed and implements strategies to achieve improvements in the quality of discharges from the responsible agencies’ storm drain systems.

Funding: Establishing a Plan, Operations: Asset Management, Water Quality Outcomes: Watershed-Based Modelsestablishing-a-plan asset-management watershed-based-models

Program Structure Article 02

Author: Uki Dele, P.E | Developed/Updated on Date: 2017

Web Link: https://www.stormcon.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Dele_P62.pdf

Asset Management (AM) for Stormwater Systems is becoming increasingly essential in managing assets for achieving water quality objectives while continuing to provide flood protection. Asset Management is a structured approach to optimizing the life-cycle cost of asset ownership and focuses on providing reliable and dependable service to customers. Read More

Operations: Asset Managementasset-management

Asset Management: Telling a Comprehensive Story for Stormwater Management

Author: Uki Dele | Developed/Updated on Date: 2017

Web Link: http://digital.stormh20.com/publication/index.php?m=4264&i=481265&p=24

This paper presents an overview of how Shoreline, Washington, is implementing asset management for its stormwater system. The city is using asset management principles to ensure its program meets its permit requirements and expectations for rates, flood protection, and environmental substantiality.

Operations: Asset Managementasset-management

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